Archive for August, 2012

Reading Time

August 7, 2012

There has been quite a huge gap since when I have read for leisure and Ramadan is a time to ponder and most of the time is swallowed by reciting duas and Tilawat al-Quran. The passion for reading takes me at times to the pages on the internet where I find blogs and write-ups by […]

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Posted in Education, Interesting, Personal Views, Technology, The World No Comments »

Enslaved by Technology

August 2, 2012

When it comes to electronics and stuff related to technology some might refer me as a geek for the passion that I have for the upcoming trends and all that is in the spotlight. From computers, clouds and hand sets the gadgets just keep popping up with the latest updates packed with features that any […]

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Posted in Dawoodi Bohras, Jamea, Technology, The World No Comments »

Exercise and Yoga

August 1, 2012

When it comes to health, fitness and exercise most of us are just not too much interested in caring about our own body. The body is said to be the home of the soul and one could imagine about the dweller when it is cluttered, unclean and not maintained in a proper way. Since ages […]

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