
Ashara 1439 ends like a dream

Posted by on October 3, 2017 at 9:05 pm

What made Karachi Ashara outstanding, was the general attitude of Mumineen there. They treated mehmaan in the spirit of welcoming them as, Imam Husain’s zuwaar and Ali Qadr Maula’s TUS personal guests. This attitude was the winning point. Right from the word GO, small things mattered to mumineen. We were treated like royals. At the […]

My time with His Holiness: Dr Syedna Mohammed Burhannuddin RA

Posted by on December 9, 2016 at 9:08 am

By: Muffazal Lakdawala What makes a man stand out from the ordinary common man the Aam Aadmi. Is it who he is born to?  Or how he leads his life or how he reacts to situations he is faced with… I believe true leaders of men are made here on earth, by their words, thoughts and actions. […]

Progressive Dawoodi Bohra Women

Posted by on February 29, 2016 at 12:12 pm

This is a Guest Post by Fatema Murtaza Right from day one women have had everything they needed within themselves. Although the world seems to believe the opposite, I strongly believe that women are empowered because they are born as WOMEN! Women empowerment is a highly discussed issue these days and like many other misconceptions, […]

Charity Begins at Home

Posted by on February 29, 2016 at 7:10 am

We all want to be leaders; we all want to be pioneers. We want to be better than we were yesterday and in the end we all want to change the world in our image. Change begins when we take a stand, when we are courageous enough to change ourselves. Ilya abu Madhi says : […]