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Youth is the gift of nature, but age is a work of art

Published on November 10, 2011 By Juzar Noorani

It has just been a few months since the launch of Google’s Social Media Service, the widely talked about Google+ and just a few days since its launch of Brand Pages. Google has tried and tried again to plunge into the social media business to get a scope of it highly lucrative and viral reach […]

Google Apps Transition

Published on January 26, 2011 By Juzar Noorani

Google Apps has announced that all the google services will now be available for google apps users just like any other google account. Everything works fine and data is also not lost if suppose you already had a sign-in to any other google services with your google app email. The problems is not the data […]

Poor Cutomer Service

Published on January 5, 2011 By Juzar Noorani

When it comes to a monopolistic market trend it is the customer or the end user at that end who suffers the most. Poor competitions is not only far from being a consumers market but rather far from being productive and quality conscience as well, with the woes of the quality not ending an limiting […]

Twitter Jungle

Published on October 3, 2010 By Juzar Noorani

I use twitter to mark some of the wonderful pieces of information that I read around and at time just stumble on while surfing the internet.