Archive for March, 2012

Proundly Committed to the Earth Hour

March 31, 2012

His Holiness Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin TUS has always instructed his followers, Mumineen, to care for the environment, preserve resources and avoid wastage of any kind. All this is in accordance to the guidance of the Holy Quran and the sayings of our beloved Prophet Mohammed al-Mustafa Rasulallah (SA). Huzurala TUS is said to have given […]

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Posted in Dawoodi Bohras, Earth, Jamea, Syedna, The World No Comments »

The Glory of Sport

March 30, 2012

Sometime back in India we had a get together of old friends from the teenage. Some of them are in academics and we were discussing School buildings and its ambiance. The center point of the discussion was what makes a school too good academically as as well as administratively. Guess what almost everyone agreed upon? […]

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Posted in Education, Personal Views, The World No Comments »

eHow Vs. Never PUSH when it says PULL

March 28, 2012

My favorite place to in any city or town that I visit is a place where book lovers just stand glancing at the covers of books for such a long time that you could easily finish off the tour of the entire place. The statues you see among the piles of bound paper should amaze […]

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Posted in Interesting, Language, Personal Views No Comments »

National Security Policies from the Stone Age

March 27, 2012

Countries like India, which off course I am a proud citizen of, brag about Human Rights and being the largest democracy in the world but are obviously the highest ranking crushers of basic human necessities and the right to live in the name of state security or even protecting their citizens. There are several instances […]

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