Asbaq of Himmah and Tanbih
I had started the kitaabs with much enthusiasm for the IT Committee as the Kitaabs have the precise etiquettes needed for a Khidmat guzaar and not a mumin only.
Himmah sketches the behavior and character that a Mumin should possess or rather devolop in his/her dealings with Awliya'ullah in all matters of life. While Tanbih alGaffileen sheds light on the conduct of Mumineen among themselves.
The group was of about 12 people initially and ended with 6. Majority of the men either did not like the subject or were simply not interested in attending the sabaq because it was me who was preaching. Was it me I really think.
I tried to be precise in the zikr I did to the extent that the sabaqs were more bookish and within the text itself rather then other sources except at places where I had to portray the lines that were between the ink. Himmah is a difficult kitaab in language and as a Kitaab of hikmat I had a feeling it would be hard to digest for those who are not prepared even though some have attended asbaq of Shz Sahebs.
On the other hand Tanbih was a more fascinating kitaab for its simplicity of language and richness of knowledge. What was comprehended in im mind was far more loftier then that which I could say. Its a masterpiece in itself, as it covers the secrets while pointing towards them in an obvious way. The coded language in a simple text is something that astonishes me about this Kitaab. Syedna Hatim (RA) had indeed put in its fold the vast realities, the keys to which were with his predecessors.
Today after a year both the kitaabs ended with a presence of only four. Those who wish to quench their thirst from the sweet streams of ilme Aale mohammed can't be kept away for those who have no respect for it. It is my job to continue with this Khidmat with another Kitaab even if a single soul is left. What I believe is that the fayz will reach those who are destined to receive it and those who loose their share are at loss.
May Allah bless our Hudaat Kiraam with afzal al-Jaza for their selfless efforts in imparting this knowledge and transferring these barakaat to reach our souls. May Allah grant Aqamoula (TUS) a long life. Ameen
Labels: Deen, IT Committee
الصفات المقومة للتعليم الجامعي في الفلسفة الفاطمية
به وبوليه استعين في جميع الامور . الحمد لله والسلام على عباده الذين اصطفى.
ان العلم علم ال محمدنالاطهار مصب لجميع العلوم والفنون وقد جاء عن الامام المستور احمد بن عبداللهص ع في رسائل اخوان الصفاء ان ال محمدص ع واتباعهم لا يتعصبون على مذهب من المذاهب ولا يهجرون كتابا من كتب الحكماء لان علمهم يستغرق العلم جميعه وقد صنف الامام ع م على هذا القانون رسائلا جامعة للعلوم والفنون التي هي موسوعة للمبادي والاصول وذكر فيها شبه المدخل والمقدمات من جميعها وهذا هو الاساس المبني عليه بناء التعليم الجامعي.
ان التعليم الجامعي عند الائمة الفاطمين الذين اقاموا اول جامعة عالمية بالمعزية القاهرة ان الطالب يضبط ما اكتسب من المعارف العلمية سابقا كما في الجامعة السيفية يكتسب في المرحلة السابقة مرحلة الثقافة العامة ثم يكرر ذلك عليه لكي يحصل وسعة فيما حصل قبل ويستوعب ما يدرس من العلوم والفنون ثم يجمع اليها ما يؤيده ويشيده. وهي كما يقال في اللغة الانجليزية University Education ولكن يختص ويميز هذه الفلسفة عند الائمة ببعض صفاتها المميزة.
وذلك ان الائمة الاطهار ع م يرون ان الجمع بين ما يتعلم المستفيد وحفظها بالعمل اهم جزء في هذا التعليم مع رياضة النفس على الخلق الحسن وجميل السيرة التي يفيد بها الطالب المجتمع في حياته وينفع البيئة الايمانية خاصة مع جميع عباد الله بعلمه وعمله وفنه الذي يختص بها لان المجتمع محتاج الى فنون شتى. وان هذا التعليم مع كون تكرار دراسة بعض الكتب في الدراسات الجامعية بعد مرحلة الثقافة العامة يلقح اذهان المستفدين منها الى محاسبة انفسهم فيما رقت اليها بعد ما قتحت عليها من اصول علم التأويل المسمى بتربية المؤمنين ويلزم عليهم مسؤلية نشر ما علموا من علم الظواهر اذا اذن لهم.
وان التعليم الجامعي عند الائمة الفاطمين يذهب ضيق الفكر ويؤدي الطالب الى وسعته حيث انه جامع للعلوم ويرجى منه الاتقان والضبط في الدراسة ويفتح له باب المسائل والاجوبة. وقد قال الامام المعزع م في بعض مجالس يحض من حضره على السؤال فيما يفيد من العلم :- ان العلم والحكمة لا يثبتان في القلوب الا بعد المعارضة والحجة. فبسؤال يستقر العلم في القلوب ويذهب الشبهات ويصفو الفكر وبه يجلو وقد قال بعض الحكماء ان تعرف الرجال بسؤالهم فضلا عن جوابهم لانه يدل على ذكاء صاحبه وحسن قبوله وحينما يستقر ما يدرس الطالب يرفع الى ما هو اعلى منها.
ثم ان الطالب لما يشتغل بدراسة ضابطة ويروض عليها نفسه تكون له عادة خير ويزيده بركة في علمه طول حياته حيث ان هذا التعليم يشتمل على جميع جوانب الحياة الجامعية والانفرادية والاجتماعية.
ثم ان اهمية هذا التعليم انه يستخدم من جميع من طلبها صلاح الامور البيئة الايمانية التي اقاموها الدعاة المطلقون بجدهم وجهدهم حيث انه يورث آدابه واخلاقه هذا المجتمع العظيم فعليه ان يراقب نفسه في دقيق عمله وجليله بالنظر في سير الهداة الفضلاء ويقتدي من وارث فضلهم وفضائلهم سيدنا محمد برهان الدين ط ع الذي هو ضامن نجاته وان العلم الذي حصل والحكمة التي اقترف ملحقة له الى زمر الملائكة الكرام من وحل ورطة هيولى هبط ومنطقة له بعقل سليم ونطق حقيقي من عنده دل. وان خدمته هو اساس هذا العلم ومرجعه.
وقد جمع في هذا التعليم الخاصة التهذيب والتأديب للطلب الذي يوجد استاذه في سائر الجوانب من حياته لكي يعوده على رياضة نفسه بالعمل الذي علم حتى يكون هو طبيعته ويكمل بذلك صورة نفسه ويتمكن هو في افكاره واراءه مصيبا فيها ناظر بصير بعين بصيرة يتفرق بين الصحيح والسقيم يثبت على حيث يجعل قدمها بالعزم والحزم معا. ولذلك يجب عليه ان يضبط اللغة الانجليزية مع العربية التي يؤيده في حياته الاجتماعية ويتمكن فيه حتى يعبر فيها ويحرر وبذلك يحصل التوسع في علم المحسوسات وبها يرتقي الى المعقولات وقد ذكر الداعي الاجل العلامة النحرير سيدنا طاهر سيف الدين رض اصول هذا العلم وطريق اقتناءه حيث قال :-
يا صاحبي تعلما وتفهما وتدبرا وتفكرا وتبصرا
وتادبا وتهذبـا وتنشطا وتيقظا وتنبها وتشمرا
وتدينا وتوارعا وتحرزا وتوقيا وتنظفا وتطهرا
وايضا ذكر اصول التعليم الجامعي مولانا امير المؤمنين ع م :-
ذكاء وحرص وافتقار وغربة وتلقين استاذ وطول زمان
فبهذا العلم حين اتقنه الطالب بدراسته كاملة واستكرار وحفظه في صورة نفسه بالعمل الصالح والخلق الحسن الجميل يكون من المتقين الذين ذكرهم امير المؤمنينع م ، بتحصيل رضاء مولاه واصابة ظنه فيه ، حيث قال:- ان المتقين ذهبوا بعاجل الدنيا واجل الاخرة شاركوا اهل الدنيا في دنياهم ولم يشاركهم في اخراهم سكنوا في الدنيا بافضل ما سكنت واكلوا بافضل ما اكلت.
فندعوالله تع ان يوفقنا لحصول رضاه وان يطول عمر مولاه سيدنا محمد برهان الدين ط ع الى ابد الابدين. آمين. والحمد لله رب العالمين والصلوة على رسوله واله الطاهرين ودعاتهم الاكرمين.
Labels: Deen, Education, Jamea
Fatema Abdul Husain Abadani passes away
It was Thursday, 26th Safar al-Muzaffar 12:50 PM, I was returning from the sabaq from Qusais when Munira called up to say that Daadi had passed away. She told me to come home immediately with Maria and the Kids.
On my way home I called Maria and told her to get ready we were leaving for Ajman and stop at the Masjid to as for the procedures of raza. We contacted Ismail bhai Tambawala for his help and I called Shk Dr. Shakir for raza purposes as the namaaz and tajheez were to be done in Sharjah. I tried to reach Daddy but he would not pick the phone he was still in the sabaq hall.
When I reached Ajman at Husaini Kaka's place the police had arrived and had called the ambulance. I had to call up in khidmat of Shz Saheb (DM) to ask raza on Ajman Amil Saheb for tajheez tawalli in Sharjah. We went to the hospital and everything was quite clear, we would be getting the permission within a few hours with all the complete paper work and that the dafan would be done at night itself.
The doctor wrote the report which was faxed by the on-duty police to the central officers but we did not get a reply till 5 PM. Fida ali Uncle and Shk Ali Nasir went there to find out that the signatory officer concerned was not on duty. He was called in, the papers prepared and just before signing, he found out a loop hole in the doctor's report, it was mentioned "refer to postmortem". The officer said that this doc is nuts, an 85 year old lady who has been sick since the past month. What a crap. But he had to call public prosecution for clearance , it was part of his duty. The Prosecutor called the postmortem doc to write his report. Waiting at the hospital the doc finally arrived at 9:30 PM just to give a green signal. Finally we got the papers ready by 10:30 PM and announced for the namaaz time 7:30 AM Friday morning. Looking back at all this and pondering I understand that all is well that Allah wishes for us. Zaki kaka was stuck at the Oman border and could not have reached in time for the dafan if it were at night and so would Sakina faiji, she was boarding the flight to Dubai at that moment. She was not told of the death of Daadi. She had missed her flight yesterday due to ECR stamp on her passport. Finally she arrived at 2 AM in the morning and asked for Daadi, when she was informed about the incident and it took her with less burden after all.
Another fact of daadi's life ending was that all her children were with her, even her great grand children. Husaini kaka was to leave for Karbala the next day and would not have been present if any thing happened after that.
Some notable facts of the 22 day happenings are so surprising that one can only call it a coincidence but I would call it the dua and barakat of Maula (TUS) whom she has served her entire life. Sweeping the masjid in Mandvi, reciting the Quran with niyat of Maula (TUS). It was Thursday 22 days back when she had an attack on her brain during Fajr namaaz. She was taken to Khalifa Hospital in Ajman in a ambulance. The Doctor after examinations said that her brain has failed to respond due to some infections and it will result in total paralysis. At this stage her left body and tongue was not responding. The eyes too were not responding. An araz was done in Hazarat Aliyah and firman to do sadaqa for 21 days. Her condition deteriorated as days passed and except for her hearing and perception all was down. The Doctor said that recovery was impossible.
After that araz was done 4 times in Hazrat Aliyah for dua. We used to give her zamzam and water of Karbala as well. On the last Thursday, as per Shz Qasim bs Hakimuddin's instructions Ahdul Ehsan was taken. After the ahad she started to get better. The sores on her body started to decrease. On Sunday after Chehlum and araz was done for the 4th time in Hazrat Aliyah. Shifa water was given and her health became better. The food pipe that was not passing her mouth due to sore now passed easily. The sores in her mouth decreased. The doctor told to start giving Milk and stop medication. On Tuesday, the doctor suggested to take her home. We denied fearing infection for her. The doctor said that her health would not improve further then what was seen and that she could live a day or even a year. Finally she returned to Husaini Kaka's place.
Today, 21 days of Sadaqa were over and Husaini kaka was planning to return to karbala with a heavy heart but in Khidmat of Imam Husain (AS). He sat besides her while Munira was serving her water through the pipe. Husaini Kaka took the water from her and gave it to his mother in sigh and sat there. It was during this time about half an hour and Allah's rehmat grasped our beloved mother into its folds. The time of Zawal and the Dua's of Waliullah. The day of Imam Hasan's Shahadat her suyum and our prayers with her always.
May Allah bless our Maula (TUS) our parent a long life and grant our mother his shafa'at. Ameen
Labels: Personal
6th March - Birthday of His Holiness Dr. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (TUS)



Labels: Dawoodi Bohras, Deen
Why hide your name......? Is it "Information provider about me....."?
I had posted a comment long time back on the blunders of
Malumaat. And an anonymous comment on my blog which i do not intend to hide from publishing. Maybe the writer knows that I know the so called owners of Malumaat. Then he knows me well for which he comments my jealousy for them.
Should he give one blessed reason to why I am Jealous. Maybe because they are very famous. Na, thats not my type. Maybe they have a lot of money. Well its all about luck. Maybe because of their khidmat, well then I should be, and as a result strive to do better in khidmat rather then this rant. You could call that a fair competence.
What I have written in my post about malumaat and its telling photographers to be exclusive is not about jealousy its about bringing the facts forward to my readers. Well I have proof of the emails exchanged but I do not want to publish those for my inner self prevents me from.
My reader, is this the reason why I am thought to be jealous. And if there is any other, let the blog readers know your very good name also. Please do not take this personally, I respect the khidmat of the people who run malumaat (not own it. Is it a commercial industry or what?).
If my reader reads my blog with interest, as per his words, then he should understand that I have a readership who take interest in my views; which, as a result makes me more and more safer and far above from being jealous.
The statement just seems superficial and needs a better job. If he can't comment properly with proper debating lines then better not pass a statement. Statements need supported by proper sanity and reason.
I have clearly written why I consider malumaat to be a wrong doer if they portray themselves as in khidmat, if otherwise, in commercial terms their way of doing what they do is purely fair.
There is a famous saying if you can't beat them join them, which I could have done before I started bringing forward my opinions about the portal but I did not like their policies. Ah! Did they have one? Well that is what I have been told my the Chief Editor.
Let me point this out with precision. I respect the family and its khidmat, but that does not alter the facts that malumaat is not about serving, but about being the one stop shop, on the other hand there are people who are serving Dawoodi Bohras worldwide and are being stopped from doing so by malumaat's (I use this word with caution and precision so that the individuals whom I do respect, are not hurt) insisting reporters and amateur photographers not to provide content to other community portals.
Labels: Malumaat, Personal Views
The Lady: Fatema bai Mulla Karim bhai Abadani
The lady who has lived her life. My grand mother, a lady who recited the Holy Quran most of the time during her old age days and was particular about it during her youth. She is the lady I have known to be most particular about taharat and namaaz. Once she told my wife that she never took her children in the morning before reciting at least 1/4th of a Sipara from the Quran. I have known her to complete the Quran 52 times more then I can remember.
Her will power, I cannot imagine how-to describe it accept that we have inherited a little part of it from her. It would not be a boast if she were to be describe as the iron-lady, the daughter of Gulam Husain Abadani, brother of my great grand father Mulla Abdul Husain Abadani. People of Mandvi, Kutch would indeed know the Abadanis well. She is the mother of 4 Children and an angel for us all.
What more could be said about her. The lady has 10 Grand children out of whom 4 are married and 5 great grand children all of whom have had the luck to get her duas and the warmth of her motherly lap. She is now in the most painful stage of her life. Being hospitalized since 10 days, as of today, her health is degrading day by day. Her body parts including the tongue has stopped responding but she hears and understands all that is said to her. Her brain has stopped working partly and we all cannot see the pain she is in. She has prayed for our prosperity and health throughout her life and now we pray for her peace and comfort.
May Allah bless her with the dua of Aqmoula (TUS) and ease her pain and suffering which we feel in our hearts.
Labels: Personal
Maturity is the ability to control anger and settle the difference without violence or destruction. maturity is the patience, ability to complete a project in spite of opposition and setbacks. Maturity is the capacity to tale unpleasantness, frustration and discomfort without complaint. Maturity is humility, being big enough to say "I was wrong" and knowing when not to say "I told you so". Maturity is dependability keeping one's head high in times of crisis. Maturity is the art of living with oneself with what we cannot change and the courage to change that we which should be changed and the wisdom to know the difference.
Labels: Interesting