Saturday, September 23, 2006

Shehrullah - The days of piety have arrived

The Month of Ramadan is known as Shehrullahil Moazzam meaning the glorified month of Allah. These days Muslims around the world observe fasts day long and engross themselves in Ibadat. The hearts and eyes weep in repentence of past sins and the body parts tire themselves in seeking the mercy of Allah by offering namaaz, alms, observing fasts, reciting the Quran-e-Majid and Duas. Mumineen Mukhliseen are blessed by the bounty of the presence of waliullah amongst them and thus are sure of acceptence of the joh'dal muqil.

Myself a humble slave of Allah and a servant of his wali, have been long waiting for these days of grace and mercy should I get a moment of Allah's grace and the happiness and joy of my Moula (TUS).

Here I quote "The man who is swimming against the stream knows the strength of it." Woodrow Wilson

Certain things have been a habit to me which are too hard to break and some of the built in nature needs to be altered. It is a huge tidal wave that needs to be crossed and I am sure my Moula (TUS) is always with me. Just a small support of loved ones is what would make the journey easy, for I am swimming against the stream of my own unconscience self.

May Allah bless our beloved Moula (TUS) a long and healthy life. Ameen

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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Another blunder in Malumaat (Information)

The one stop Information portal has again made a bid into securing itself as the top news agency of our times. The Chief editor of the Information Channel had strictly ordered the so called official reporter of malumaat to deny photographs for the sake of exclusive coverage and look what the exclusive information portal does:

Wadah from Nairobi?? or was it Dares Salaam. I guess its the same place who cares any ways.

The more stubborn thing to do was place a long distance call to the genuine photographer who loves to share his moments with Moula (captured in photos) with Mumineen worldwide and in an enthusiasm to do so sends the pics to all major portals of the community. This photographer was told that the information portal LOOSES interest in publishing them when they are sent to everyone, because they are not exclusive. Now its clear that its truely a one stop shop after all.

Anyone here who watches the indian soap Kittu might see this as the BNS boss attitude.

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Friday, September 01, 2006

Aqiqa of Khadija on Day 7

Tahir sits for Aqiqa
Khadija and Mohammed with their great grandmother Khadija with her great grandmother

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