الصفات المقومة للتعليم الجامعي في الفلسفة الفاطمية
به وبوليه استعين في جميع الامور . الحمد لله والسلام على عباده الذين اصطفى.
ان العلم علم ال محمدنالاطهار مصب لجميع العلوم والفنون وقد جاء عن الامام المستور احمد بن عبداللهص ع في رسائل اخوان الصفاء ان ال محمدص ع واتباعهم لا يتعصبون على مذهب من المذاهب ولا يهجرون كتابا من كتب الحكماء لان علمهم يستغرق العلم جميعه وقد صنف الامام ع م على هذا القانون رسائلا جامعة للعلوم والفنون التي هي موسوعة للمبادي والاصول وذكر فيها شبه المدخل والمقدمات من جميعها وهذا هو الاساس المبني عليه بناء التعليم الجامعي.
ان التعليم الجامعي عند الائمة الفاطمين الذين اقاموا اول جامعة عالمية بالمعزية القاهرة ان الطالب يضبط ما اكتسب من المعارف العلمية سابقا كما في الجامعة السيفية يكتسب في المرحلة السابقة مرحلة الثقافة العامة ثم يكرر ذلك عليه لكي يحصل وسعة فيما حصل قبل ويستوعب ما يدرس من العلوم والفنون ثم يجمع اليها ما يؤيده ويشيده. وهي كما يقال في اللغة الانجليزية University Education ولكن يختص ويميز هذه الفلسفة عند الائمة ببعض صفاتها المميزة.
وذلك ان الائمة الاطهار ع م يرون ان الجمع بين ما يتعلم المستفيد وحفظها بالعمل اهم جزء في هذا التعليم مع رياضة النفس على الخلق الحسن وجميل السيرة التي يفيد بها الطالب المجتمع في حياته وينفع البيئة الايمانية خاصة مع جميع عباد الله بعلمه وعمله وفنه الذي يختص بها لان المجتمع محتاج الى فنون شتى. وان هذا التعليم مع كون تكرار دراسة بعض الكتب في الدراسات الجامعية بعد مرحلة الثقافة العامة يلقح اذهان المستفدين منها الى محاسبة انفسهم فيما رقت اليها بعد ما قتحت عليها من اصول علم التأويل المسمى بتربية المؤمنين ويلزم عليهم مسؤلية نشر ما علموا من علم الظواهر اذا اذن لهم.
وان التعليم الجامعي عند الائمة الفاطمين يذهب ضيق الفكر ويؤدي الطالب الى وسعته حيث انه جامع للعلوم ويرجى منه الاتقان والضبط في الدراسة ويفتح له باب المسائل والاجوبة. وقد قال الامام المعزع م في بعض مجالس يحض من حضره على السؤال فيما يفيد من العلم :- ان العلم والحكمة لا يثبتان في القلوب الا بعد المعارضة والحجة. فبسؤال يستقر العلم في القلوب ويذهب الشبهات ويصفو الفكر وبه يجلو وقد قال بعض الحكماء ان تعرف الرجال بسؤالهم فضلا عن جوابهم لانه يدل على ذكاء صاحبه وحسن قبوله وحينما يستقر ما يدرس الطالب يرفع الى ما هو اعلى منها.
ثم ان الطالب لما يشتغل بدراسة ضابطة ويروض عليها نفسه تكون له عادة خير ويزيده بركة في علمه طول حياته حيث ان هذا التعليم يشتمل على جميع جوانب الحياة الجامعية والانفرادية والاجتماعية.
ثم ان اهمية هذا التعليم انه يستخدم من جميع من طلبها صلاح الامور البيئة الايمانية التي اقاموها الدعاة المطلقون بجدهم وجهدهم حيث انه يورث آدابه واخلاقه هذا المجتمع العظيم فعليه ان يراقب نفسه في دقيق عمله وجليله بالنظر في سير الهداة الفضلاء ويقتدي من وارث فضلهم وفضائلهم سيدنا محمد برهان الدين ط ع الذي هو ضامن نجاته وان العلم الذي حصل والحكمة التي اقترف ملحقة له الى زمر الملائكة الكرام من وحل ورطة هيولى هبط ومنطقة له بعقل سليم ونطق حقيقي من عنده دل. وان خدمته هو اساس هذا العلم ومرجعه.
وقد جمع في هذا التعليم الخاصة التهذيب والتأديب للطلب الذي يوجد استاذه في سائر الجوانب من حياته لكي يعوده على رياضة نفسه بالعمل الذي علم حتى يكون هو طبيعته ويكمل بذلك صورة نفسه ويتمكن هو في افكاره واراءه مصيبا فيها ناظر بصير بعين بصيرة يتفرق بين الصحيح والسقيم يثبت على حيث يجعل قدمها بالعزم والحزم معا. ولذلك يجب عليه ان يضبط اللغة الانجليزية مع العربية التي يؤيده في حياته الاجتماعية ويتمكن فيه حتى يعبر فيها ويحرر وبذلك يحصل التوسع في علم المحسوسات وبها يرتقي الى المعقولات وقد ذكر الداعي الاجل العلامة النحرير سيدنا طاهر سيف الدين رض اصول هذا العلم وطريق اقتناءه حيث قال :-
يا صاحبي تعلما وتفهما وتدبرا وتفكرا وتبصرا
وتادبا وتهذبـا وتنشطا وتيقظا وتنبها وتشمرا
وتدينا وتوارعا وتحرزا وتوقيا وتنظفا وتطهرا
وايضا ذكر اصول التعليم الجامعي مولانا امير المؤمنين ع م :-
ذكاء وحرص وافتقار وغربة وتلقين استاذ وطول زمان
فبهذا العلم حين اتقنه الطالب بدراسته كاملة واستكرار وحفظه في صورة نفسه بالعمل الصالح والخلق الحسن الجميل يكون من المتقين الذين ذكرهم امير المؤمنينع م ، بتحصيل رضاء مولاه واصابة ظنه فيه ، حيث قال:- ان المتقين ذهبوا بعاجل الدنيا واجل الاخرة شاركوا اهل الدنيا في دنياهم ولم يشاركهم في اخراهم سكنوا في الدنيا بافضل ما سكنت واكلوا بافضل ما اكلت.
فندعوالله تع ان يوفقنا لحصول رضاه وان يطول عمر مولاه سيدنا محمد برهان الدين ط ع الى ابد الابدين. آمين. والحمد لله رب العالمين والصلوة على رسوله واله الطاهرين ودعاتهم الاكرمين.
Labels: Deen, Education, Jamea
The word "listen" contains the same letters as the word "silent"
The aquisition of Knowledge requires lots of patience and humbleness. We have often heard that the water flows from the high rised terrain to the lower lands as an example of ilm flowing from those of lofty means to the lower men like us. We have often heard that a fruit bearind branch is lowered in humbleness and these are anologies that well explain the behavior and the compasion of both the teacher and student.
We have always seen kids and even elders throw stone at the fruit bearing tree while it hangs its branches down and lowers itself in humbleness to part with its fruit. My teacher marhoom Shk Yusuf bhai Moayyadi (May Allah bless him with his rehmat and shafa'at of Daiz Zaman always used to portray a very natural example saying the the sky bends down on the earth with all its love and kindness and showers its bounty on it while the earth stands proundly and in its own ego centric way, its chest pulled high up, in ignorance.
It is very neccesary to keep not a silent mouth and tongue but a silent mind clear of astray thoughts to listen to the bliss of knowledge. That is why I think that both 'listen' and 'silent' have the same alphabets.
It is a season of Imtehan in Jamea and I have spent years listening at all classes in Jamea before I even learnt to speak a word. Maybe thats why I havent learnt to speak or have been thought numb. The library was my favourite spot of silence and that silence has filled me with the thrust and energy which keeps me going.
Those days are always remembered as of bounty and bliss, the happiness of picturizing the world with a different perspective everyday. The life and its blessings counted and accounted for each time a new point of knowledge popped up. I am so much in love with learning but have forgotten the art of silence as I speak. Or is it lost in the hush and fuss of life.
We all need to review on this side of life where we need to keep silence as we listen to our inner selves.
Labels: Education, Jamea, Personal Views
The Imtehan of Jamea Saifiyah
It has been a unique oportunity to take the Imtehan of Jamea for so many years. It was my luck and the blessing of Imam Husain (AS) and my Moula (TUS) that I know why I got the blessing of attending the revered institue of ilme Ale Mohammed (TUS). I see it as a bounty in itself.
The Imtehan is so unique that the Vice-Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University during his visit at Jamea in 1420 H was a witness to the unique event himself and a participant as well. A Scholar himself sat in the Shafahi Imtehan before Moula (TUS) who was in the Gurfah Mubarakah and proclaimed that this is the only examinations he has ever seen around the globe where the examiners themselves are also tested.
The rectors of Jamea Saifiyah, Omora al-Jamea, Shz Qasim BS Hakimuddin, Shz Abbas BS Fakhruddin, Shz Qaid Joher BS Izzuddin and Shz Mufaddal BS Saifuddin (DM) examine the students orally while Huzurala (TUS) himself presides over the event and overlooks the preceedings of the Shafahi Imtehan from the Gurfah Mubaraka (A Special room above from where the session is heard and visible.
The orals are held for the senior students from Year 7 to Year 11. At times Khidmat Guzaars from various departments of Dawat are also called by Huzurala (TUS) for the Imtehan. Certain Mumineen also get the oportunity to avail this barakat.
The written papers are also taken by many Khidmat Guzaars along with the students. Huzurala (TUS) has granted permission to for all Mumineen to partake in the Barakaat of Jamea by attending the Imtehan and also taking the papers. A special category for such Mumineen is created. These Mumineen are called Mustafideen.
Labels: Dawoodi Bohras, Jamea
Reflecting my thoughts.
Having studied at Al-Jamea-tus-Saifiyah in Surat I had mastered the Arabic language particularly the classical version. IB was an integral part of the Jamea syllabus. I wonder how I had topped in biology at IB in Jamea being a novice. It reminds me of the days of childhood when I used to dream becoming a doctor and taking up medicine as a profession.
Wonder that dream changed or did it not and turned into a reality. In a much junior class we were given an assignment on "The best Profession". I remember and infact still have a copy of the eassy which had a basic level argument at that particular stage of mind proclaiming that "Teaching was the best profession".
I did end up in teaching fianlly. I wonder where my dream of becoming a medical professional evaporated or did it take new shape.
At a later stage in Jamea one of the books of Syedna al-Qadi al-Noman - A journal of the revered Chief Justice of the Fatemi Empire - gave me an insight that I still remember. One of the Imams was given a book by his father being told that it was on the subject of medicine, a very noble subject and field of knowledge as refered by the father. The Imam sat down night long reading the book and reported the next day having found nothing related to medicine. The father replied that it was indeed so. It had the know-how off curing the illness of the spirit. The knowledge of that would quench the thirst of desprate souls in search for salvation.
Jamea Saifiyah did give me an insight in the knowledge of spiritual medicine, a small breafing though, and a long way to go. I am no preacher or an expert teacher but do have a little insight in to the ilm of Ale Mohammed. It may be limited but I do continue to expand my boundries. I may not be an expert that can consult any jack and joe but I keep learning.
After being into the practical world leaving the student life of Jamea behind since 5 years I can say I am still a student of the Fatemi philosophy and do need lots of improvement. There are people who wish for a perfect world and pray for it but it never happens. All that can happen is a perfect self. I do believe in that. It happens to many and for most when they have no more to live. The time is already over.
Writing about my thoughts that are yet vivid is a passion to me. Joining the Nextgen and mumineen.org was a good experiance and having known so many people it feels good to be loved and understood. The knowledge of classical Arabic and English made me pen about the subject I am a student of. At several occasions I do find blocks and at times the words just dont seem to end.
I still wonder how I ended up into this tech biz. Web Hosting was an idea that popped up early in the year 2002 and I did loose a lot of money and time innitially as this was not a serious thought but a learning proccess. I have covered most of the losses I made but the profits are not luring any more. I wonder if I should continue but then I do want to preserve the identity of EKHWAN. The name was popped up when I was trying to get a brand for my self. Ekhwan means Brothers. Innitially I was thinking of Ikhwanus Safa but then Ekhwan seemed right and I branded my cyber or net exsistence as Ekhwan. This was what Dai Abi Abdillah used to call the Mumineen of Kutamah, who were his followers. The Dai of Imam Mehdi to North Africa. Since then I having been logging my thoughts in words and print hoping that someday it might take up a role of perfection in action as well. The quest is still a long way to go. The medical doctor has yet to become and will remain a student till the last breath.
I wonder if we should ever stop writing or talking on our beliefs of perfection in fear of criticism over our contraversial actions. Does not our talk leap us a step forward towards the dream of the staunchest critic, a dreamer who wants to see a perfect world. If so then all priest and preachers should seek an alternate job.
Labels: Jamea, Personal