Friday, September 01, 2006

Aqiqa of Khadija on Day 7

Tahir sits for Aqiqa
Khadija and Mohammed with their great grandmother Khadija with her great grandmother

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At Wed Sep 13, 02:09:00 PM GST, Blogger Juzar Sh Yusuf bhai said...

Aqiqa should be done on the seventh, fourteeth or twenty first day from brith. If it is missed due to any reason then the child does the Aqiqa after he turns baligh.

The word Aqiqa ia derived from the hair of the child that are shaved from the child's head. This ritual was done by Rasulallah (SA) after the birth of both Imam Hasan and Imam Husain (AS). He shaved the hair of their head and gave silver equivalent to the weight of the hair in alms (sadaqa). He also sacrificed a goat on the occasion and gifted one of its legs to the midwife.

The bones of the Aqiqa sacrifice, a goat or a sheep, are not to be broken and should be seprated from the joints and burried as is. Meat can be eaten and distributed amoung all except for the mother if she is breast feeding the child.

If the bones of the goat are broken then Sadaqa and istighfar should be done as per Risalat Sharifa "Takbeero Sakinate fathin Mubeen".


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