Friday, September 01, 2006

Aqiqa of Khadija on Day 7

Tahir sits for Aqiqa
Khadija and Mohammed with their great grandmother Khadija with her great grandmother

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Thursday, August 31, 2006

Khadija - Birth to Chatti (al-Hamdolillah)

Name: Khadija
Birth Place: Central Pvt. Hospital - Sharjah (UAE)
Born at: 3:55 PM
Weight at Birth: 3.1 KG
Attendin Doctor: Dr. Meenu Mathur

Baby 2 Hours Old Baby 5 Hours Old

Rashida starts the Chatti (naming ceremony) at 7:25 PM Laylatal Jumoa) Mohammed Comments on her sister's naming occasion

Mohammed gifts his sister Khadija

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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Baby is fine, Alhamdolillah

On Sunday, Maria and the baby were home at 7 PM everything being normal and good as expected by Dua of Moula (TUS), many thanks and shukr to Allah.

Around mid-night I had to take her to Central Hospital as she was shivering and had turned blue. She also had a mild fever. A padeatric was called and he diagnosed her of being dehydrated. We came back home with a few adol drops and had given her some water and top-milk. I checked her temprature in the morning and she was having 37.5. At 8 AM the doctor saw her again and said that she seemed fine with no symptoms to worry about nor any fever. Her reflexes were also good.

At around 6 PM the same day, Monday, we took her to the government hospital and she was taken in at the emergency and admitted to the Qasimmiya Hospital. The doctor was quite young and took time to see her. She weighted 2750 gms tonight, which was around 8% less from birth as per the doctor's calculations. He took some blood for blood culture and kept her under observation the whole night. The nurses and the medical staff at Qasimiya are very nice and cooperative. Maria had to stay back at the hospital. The next day we were told that she had a dehydration fever and that she was normal now but should be kept and eye on just to be sure.

The doctor dis-charged her at around 10 Pm upon insisting that the mother and child were not comfartable at the hospital and should leave if medical advice permitted so. Finally, we came home and now I feel a bit relaxed. Many thanks to my Moula (TUS) whom we kept remembering throughout these days.

The one thing I learned was that if its an emergency in Sharjah, then the Govt. Hospital should be approached just for the sake that they have doctors for all faculties round the clock and they take utmost care of the patient. The baby was kept at the hospital for more then 24 hours with excellent care and medical treatment and not a penny charged.

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Saturday, August 26, 2006

Its a Baby Girl

The vacations are over and the Madrasa has started regularly and days have started to pass by as usual.

It is a joyfull day for me and my family when daddy came to the madrasa to inform me that Maria had given birth to a baby girl. At first I could not believe it could be a girl, its a first one in our family. I took leave and went to Central Pvt Hospital to see the baby.

Alhamdolillah, both the mother and the child are fine.

The darling girl was so cute and tiny, I held her in my hands and recited the Ayats of Hashr, Mo'awwazatain and Azan in her ears. The picture was in front of my eyes when I had asked Moula (TUS) for her name.

The little Maria, as she looks like her mother, weighted 3.1 KG and was recieved by Doctor Meenu Mathur at 3:55 PM on Saturday, 26th August 2006 / 2 Shaban al-Kareem 1427H. She is exactly 3 Years and 3 Months younger then her brother Mohammed.

May Allah Subhanahu bless her life under the auspicious shade of Moula's blessing and nazaraat and grant her the bounty of ilm-e-Ale Mohammed by the walayat and love of Moula (TUS) that she carries in her veins.

May Allah bless our Moula (TUS) with a long life. Ameen

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