
Birth, the fear of the unknown

Posted by on June 11, 2013 at 5:46 am

The birth and death of a human being is a single phenomenon having two different names. On the contrary, there are  several occasion a human is born several times during his life time. Each time a new change occurs it simply drags a person into the same state of mind as at the time of […]

Simplicity for a Happier Life!

Posted by on April 13, 2013 at 10:49 pm

Over the last decade or so life has consistently been enriched because of more and more facilities, on-going gadgets inventions and day by day increment in luxuries. This is quite exciting however during the same period of time, people have increased their love for materialistic things abruptly which has directly or indirectly reduced their overall […]

15 things to “Give up”

Posted by on April 1, 2013 at 12:41 am

This is indeed a brilliant article and needs to be read again and again…! Here is a list of 15 things, which, if you give up on them, will make your life a lot easier and you’ll feel much, much happier. We hold on to so many things that cause us a great deal of […]

Each one of us is a walking radiator

Posted by on March 19, 2013 at 1:38 am

Each one of us is a walking radiator. Mostly we radiate thoughts and attitudes. From deep within we radiate our state of being, and the essential, original and eternal state of every being is peaceful and loving. But we block and distort this energy with our attachments. Attachments turn love into fear, peace into anger […]