Well, at last the wait is over and I was told from Mumbai that I won’t b getting a moze any more. All Ummal are at their own mowaze and also other Qasre Aali and Asateza will be going for khidmat. I knew that chances were dim but still was trying my best. I thought […]
Henry Van’s words make me think that I should try my best to prepare for doing the waaz if I was to be granted the moze. The words give me light as I start preparing myself for the azeem khidmat. I will start picking up and looking at awraaq and kitabs from tonight as soon […]
It has been sometime since I have really done any preparation for doing a waaz that too in Ashara, maybe 7 years. Thats a long time. Since 1419 H I haven’t done waaz and maybe if I get a moze this year I might have to prepare for one. It is realy tough making people […]