Raulallah (SA) has said that good character is a bounty of Allah Subhanahu. While there is a huge difference between character and etiquette, most people tend to mix it up. I am most font of the dua of Imam Ali Zainul Abideen, “allahumma inni auzobeba an tahsona fi rayil aine alaniyati….” and I think it […]
به وبوليه استعين في جميع الامور . الحمد لله والسلام على عباده الذين اصطفى. ان العلم علم ال محمدنالاطهار مصب لجميع العلوم والفنون وقد جاء عن الامام المستور احمد بن عبداللهص ع في رسائل اخوان الصفاء ان ال محمدص ع واتباعهم لا يتعصبون على مذهب من المذاهب ولا يهجرون كتابا من كتب الحكماء لان علمهم […]
The aquisition of Knowledge requires lots of patience and humbleness. We have often heard that the water flows from the high rised terrain to the lower lands as an example of ilm flowing from those of lofty means to the lower men like us. We have often heard that a fruit bearind branch is lowered […]