Oct 18
Blogging to grow!
It has been some time since I have written anything. Work has taken over a lot of time, when it seems that most of the work I have been involving myself in, has been a total time waster. Having no choice but to face the reality I keep working towards the things that I would rather delegate and forget.
Today when my daughter suddenly came up with this, we are learning to write a blog in school, I suddenly remembered that she didn’t even know that her dad was a vetted blogger and a writer for many places online. Well at least that was the case a few years back.
Telling her that she had a most experienced tutor at home on this subject and could learn anything from blogger and WordPress to creating a custom self hosted blog with a fancy domain name from me. The Jargon suddenly took the toll and finally I had to give in to the pressure of beginner’s queries.
However, this did remind me that it has been quite some time since I had punched a few words of my own words into HIKMAH. I suddenly remembered that, hikmah has not just been a blog for me but it has been a note to pave way for my own growth which I have seemed to have lost track off just being involved in too much rut work.
Back to the learning process, where I am trying to polish and upgrade my speaking skills with several books and video presentations, especially those of Julian Treasure, I find that before I need to upgrade the speech there is a more profound need to enhance my skills of deliberate listening. Here is where all the acoustics stuff comes in and hence the blog post that I do intend to continue if time permits from the daily chores of life.
The best place to start of for anyone who is interested in the field of listening and speaking, and how acoustics plays an important role in learning entirely needs to follow some TedTalks of Julian Treasure as well as other speakers on the subject.