Nov 12
Twitter and Blogging
A very long time when finally today this blog will be updated and that too as a result of a thought that just occurred as to why my blogging tool has been left behind without a pen pal. Twitter was the reply that popped up quickly on the mind. The short blogging tool, twitter has surely taken the quick times one requires to post anything or speak ones mind or think aloud in small sentences that often conveys the message to readers or followers throughout the social network.
On the other hand there is facebook too but the amount of personal information stored on facebook is quite scary and it gives me the goosebumps especially after an episode of an account of a near relative being hacked. Twitter on the other hand seems to be less interfering with personal information and again the short expression at times makes one wear on the thinking cap and phrase it into a witty expression.
While I do enjoy writing a lot about everything and putting down my thoughts on paper as it gives it clarity the time factor always keeps pulling down the enthusiasm and the craving for posting another word on the blogosphere.
A lot to say about the American elections, the Indian economy and currency valuation and much more going around in the region as well, if time and cause permits.