May 07
Sweet Dreams: 13 Tips for a Great Night Sleep
» Throw your TV set and the computer out of the bedroom.
» Take a cool shower before jumping into the bed.
» Wear loose cotton clothes (preferable white) – no denims or trousers please.
» Fix a sleeping schedule and stick to the routine honestly.
» Is the pillow good enough ? In a lot of cases, pillows and incomforable mattress may lead to sleep disorders.
» Reduce intake of spices, chocolates and caffeine, especially after lunchtime.
» The old granny’s trick – take a glass of warm milk just before going to bed.
» If you are worried about something that preventing your from sleeping, try to think of ways to resolve it. Opening a discussion with the partner may help.
» Do some physical work or Yoga exercises some 3-4 hours before the sleeping time.
» There should be a healthy gap between your dinner and sleeping time.
» Sex with your partner before bedtime will also aid in getting a good sleep.
» If your mind is flooded with ideas and tasks for the next day, jot them down on a piece of paper so that you get relaxed.
» When nothing helps, tune in to some Worldspace Radio station for soft, slow, relaxing music like jazz, folk or orchestral pieces.
I hope these sleeping tricks will help you sleep, stay asleep, and wake up refreshed next day. Sweet Dreams.