Wherever we turn, we are able to see the effects of the advances of technology – from medicine to education, and more. Advances in medical technology have allowed doctors to treat patients in the first few critical moments after a health trauma. As a teacher and a parent, I see technology used in the classroom – whether it is to enhance students' fine motor skills or to teach them how to read. In our everyday home or work lives, going a few days without the internet, telephone, or even a cell phone would seem impossible.
Yesterday, while watching the video of Aqa Maula (tus) performing the Iftetah of the Qubbah Mubarakah of Syedna Hatim (R.A.) in Yemen, it became evident that a Mumin's life in the era of our Maula (tus) would be impossible without the technology that allows us to be so close to our Maula, without physically being there.
Watching the video of the Iftetah, I was able to see every unique amal of Aqa Maula (tus), from entering the Qubbah Mubarkah, to performing Tasleem at the Qabr and holding the Gilaf and performing Ziyarat. Seeing all these unique and momentous Aamaal being performed, my Mohabbat and Tafadi for my Maula grew even more stronger. All the Bayans that I had heard during Ayyam e Tabudaa't helped me realize how much my Maula cares for me and all Mumineen. A single Amal of holding the Gilaaf and instantaneously recollecting the Kalemaat Nooraniyah of Syedna Taher Saifuddin (R.A) Aqa Maula (tus) remembered us Mumineen in his Dua Mubarak. This Amal alone of Aqa Maula (tus), made me realize that our Maula (tus) puts us Mumineen above anyone and anything. That Amal of Aqa Maula (tus) was the Khulaso of Tafaadi and Mohabbat.
Even when we are not fortunate enough to be physically present in the Hazarat of our Maula (tus), we have become so used to the many opportunities of Deedar via video relay, that it is difficult to imagine a Mumin's life without technology. Every Moharram, those who are less fortunate and are not able to attend Ashara with Aqa Maula (tus), wait and pray daily for news of a video relay. It is hard to imagine an Ashara, no matter where we are in Bilad Imaniyah, without doing Deedar of our Bawa Shafiq (tus). It may be difficult to live our day to day lives without the advances of current technology, but it would be impossible for a Mumin to live their life without the technology that brings them closer to their Maula (tus). Yesterday, while watching the video relay it became clear to me that while we may all be bounded by technology in our everyday lives, it is the same technology that has the sharaf of being in the Khidmat of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Saheb (tus), bringing Mumineen closer to their Maula (tus). May Allah Subhanahu enhance the Umer Sharif of Aqa Maula (tus) till Qayamat. Ameen
Amate Syedna (tus)
Rashida M. Aliasger Rasheed
Columbus, OH Labels: Dawoodi Bohras, Deen, Technology
MUMBAI; April 16, 2007. The world-wide Dawoodi Bohra community is celebrating the 96th birthday of its spiritual leader His Holiness Dr. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin.
As part of the celebrations, the first International Dawoodi Bohra Scout Band Competition was today organized under the management of Anjuman-e-Shiate- Ali, the Dawoodi Bohra Jamaat of Mumbai.
92 Dawoodi Bohra Scout Bands had arrived from all over India as well as from Pakistan, Dubai and Kuwait. They participated in the competition that was held at the Royal Western India Turf Club (RWITC) at Mahalaxmi Racecourse .
The participant Scout Bands were divided into 4 groups. Each group was supervised and judged by a panel of 3 judges from the Mumbai Police Band. The qualifying 12 Scout Bands performed for 3 minutes each in front of His Holiness in the evening.
Over 20,000 Dawoodi Bohras attended the grand event and conveyed their humble greetings to their beloved spiritual leader. His Holiness in an address praised the efforts of the community members in organizing such an event and bestowed benediction for their happiness and prosperity. On the occasion Syedna also prayed for peace, progress and prosperity to prevail in the nation and for the wellbeing of humanity at large.
Apart from this grand event, numerous social, economic, educational, medical and cultural programmes are being undertaken by the Dawoodi Bohras across the world starting from the birthday celebrations of Prophet Mohammed (SAW) and culminate on the birthday of His Holiness on 7th May, 2007.
Labels: Dawoodi Bohras
6th March - Birthday of His Holiness Dr. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (TUS)

Labels: Dawoodi Bohras, Deen
Are we the Chosen ones? - By Ali Al-Baghli
Dr. Ali Al-Baghli, Former Minister of Oil, Kuwait, and supporter of the Dawoodi Bohras, once again comes to the rescue of Bohras by expressing his opinion in the column in ARAB TIMES, Kuwait's leading newspaper.
Please click on the URL below to know more... Mr. Ali Al-Baghli, Former Minister of Oil, Kuwait.
ONE can only be ashamed of the noise created by some religious extremists in the country over the last few days. The entire hullabaloo was about a building under construction in an ideal housing area — South Surrah (Haiteen). Residents of the area thought that a Husseiniya was being built for the Bohra community in Kuwait. So, where did these citizens go? The answer is well-known — they went to one of the members of the 2006 Parliament who is known for his non-progressive ideas. MP Waleed Al-Tabtabaei, who represents Kaifan, took it upon himself to voice the opinion of the residents of Haiteen because his future electoral constituency will include this area. He started issuing some extremist statements and criticized the construction of a “temple” for Bohras. (Al-Tabtabaei used the word ‘temple,’ which is a place of worship for non-Muslims like Buddhists and Hindus).
Bohras are a peaceful community who came to Kuwait decades ago. They supported Kuwait during the Iraqi invasion in 1990. The spiritual leader of Bohras Sultan Mohammed Burhanuddin was a close friend of HH the late Amir Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and is also close to the current Amir HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah. Bohras are Muslims who believe in God and follow the teachings of Islam. Reality dawned when people came to know the building under construction was not a Husseiniya for Bohras but a house. Someone had purchased the building to live with his brothers and their families as he wanted to be close to his family.
I want to ask those who created the racket to put themselves in the place of Bohras and imagine they are living in a foreign country … and if they wanted to construct a house of worship and if people of the neighborhood objected to the construction of their praying place what would they do?
Labels: Dawoodi Bohras
Asbaq of Shz Saheb Aliasger BS Kalimuddin DM
It is surely a karam of Aqamola (tus) and the Sa'adat of this Burhani era that Mumineen are now recieving the barakaat of Haqaa'eq asbaaq. There was a time when people used to take mannat of Hajj to even recieve the barakaat of tawil. Kitaabs such as Daaim were recited to ellite groups of Dawat during the zuhur. The Doat of Ale Mohammed (SA) have been told to "give or hold without any account". Thus, this barakaat has spread beyonf boudaries. Young people who sought raza for the asbaaq from Shz Saheb were granted permission even though they had not recited tawil. There are categories of people. Some just attend because its a status issue for them, some are enthusiastic to learn but havent completed the prior stages of ilm. Some have been given raza for their long khidmat even though they lack far in knowledge. And there are people who have passed the stages of knowledge and reached to the level of haqa'eq gradually.
The results are quite simple. The categories resulting from the above mass are known by all but no one knows where he stands and so do I. These an be listed as
1. People who take it as a status issue just satisfy their ego and skip general asbaaq of zahir and tawil thinking that they are far beyond and higher for such knowledge. One who elevates himself above knowledge and khidmat is far lower in status.
2. There are people who have not attended Zahir but if they do have the ikhlas ilm reaches to them by the nazaraat of Moula (TUS) and these people should further seek knowledge.
3. There are those who have by some means recieved it as a blessing and will reep its benifits later on.
4. There are people who still have long way to go in achieving knowledge.
Knowledge is so wast an ocean that no one can ever drink to its last drop and such is the barakaat in the hearts of Awliya Kiraam. May Allah Subhanahu bless our beloved Moula (tus) a long life. Ameen
Labels: Dawoodi Bohras
The Imtehan of Jamea Saifiyah
It has been a unique oportunity to take the Imtehan of Jamea for so many years. It was my luck and the blessing of Imam Husain (AS) and my Moula (TUS) that I know why I got the blessing of attending the revered institue of ilme Ale Mohammed (TUS). I see it as a bounty in itself.
The Imtehan is so unique that the Vice-Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University during his visit at Jamea in 1420 H was a witness to the unique event himself and a participant as well. A Scholar himself sat in the Shafahi Imtehan before Moula (TUS) who was in the Gurfah Mubarakah and proclaimed that this is the only examinations he has ever seen around the globe where the examiners themselves are also tested.
The rectors of Jamea Saifiyah, Omora al-Jamea, Shz Qasim BS Hakimuddin, Shz Abbas BS Fakhruddin, Shz Qaid Joher BS Izzuddin and Shz Mufaddal BS Saifuddin (DM) examine the students orally while Huzurala (TUS) himself presides over the event and overlooks the preceedings of the Shafahi Imtehan from the Gurfah Mubaraka (A Special room above from where the session is heard and visible.
The orals are held for the senior students from Year 7 to Year 11. At times Khidmat Guzaars from various departments of Dawat are also called by Huzurala (TUS) for the Imtehan. Certain Mumineen also get the oportunity to avail this barakat.
The written papers are also taken by many Khidmat Guzaars along with the students. Huzurala (TUS) has granted permission to for all Mumineen to partake in the Barakaat of Jamea by attending the Imtehan and also taking the papers. A special category for such Mumineen is created. These Mumineen are called Mustafideen.
Labels: Dawoodi Bohras, Jamea
Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh Inaugurates Saifee Hospital
Honourable Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh inaugurated the newly reconstructed Saifee Hospital in Mumbai in the presence of the world wide Dawoodi Bohra community spiritual Head, His Holiness Dr. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (TUS).
The function was part of Syedna's 94th birthday celebrations and attended by numerous . Ministers from several countries, politicians, diplomats and heads of international institutes.
Honourable Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Shri Vilasrao Deshmukh in his speech specifically lauded the human development contributions of the Dawoodi Bohras under the leadership of Syedna. “This architecturally graceful hospital will add to the beauty of Mumbai while providing invaluable services to its citizens” were the sentiments expressed by former Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee in his message.
The multi-specialty hospital was conceptualized and built by the 52nd Dai al-Mutlaq, His Holiness Dr. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (TUS), as a tribute to the memory of his illustrious father and predecessor, Dr. Syedna Taher Saifuddin.
“Under the directives of Syedna, Saifee Hospital shall endeavour to provide medical treatment that is safe, ethical and affordable to all human beings irrespective of caste, creed, or religion" said Shaikh Yusuf Qasimji, CEO of the hospital.
The 150 crore hospital project has entirely been funded by Syedna personally, with the contributions from the international Dawoodi Bohra community.
Strategically located at Charni Road in South Mumbai, the sea facing, 14 level ultra modern hospital with its 259 beds and 700 medical and support personnel shall offer comprehensive medical and surgical care by internationally renowned doctors using state-of-the-art technology all under one roof.
It offers the latest diagnostic and therapeutic facilities integrated with the hospital information system, latest radiology and imaging equipment, a dedicated ICU floor with 37 beds, 6 futuristic, sea facing operations theatres, distinctive maternity wards, and an exclusive domain for physiotherapy and rehabilitation.
It also offers holistic care that includes, Preventive Healthcare, Fitness facilities and Alternative Medicine. The 9th floor is dedicated to a state-of-the-art Fitness Centre, Acupuncture, Yoga, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Unani and Ayurvedic medicines.
One wing of the hospital includes a modern sanatorium which is expected to be used as a resting place by out-patients and their families who come from outside Mumbai.
Huzaifa Shehabi, assistant medical director asserts "the Saifee Hospital is committed to excellence in healthcare with an unconventional, patient friendly ambience". "With its world class facilities the hospital is also an attractive medical tourism centre" he adds.
Saifee Hospital is a pioneer for healthcare:
• It is the first in the Asia-Pacific region to install Contura-560 model beds that allow patients to adjust the back rest, height tilting and knee-break at the touch of a button.
• First in India with Xenon lighting which replicates sunlight in the operation theatre.
• First in Mumbai with fibre optic cables for high resolution and fast data transfers.
• First in India with Primus RS, a physiotherapy rehabilitation technology employed to provide complete physical fitness workouts to patients and sports persons
• First in India with water treatment plan on the premises to provide water that will meet WHO potable standards throughout the hospital.
On the gala occasion, the Trustees of Saifee Hospital Trust handed over the keys of the newly constructed Adamjee Peerbhoy Sanatorium Trust to its Trustees in the presence of the Prime Minister.
Labels: Dawoodi Bohras
Saifee Hospital Inaugurated by Dr. Manmohan Singh
His Holiness Dr. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (TUS), spiritual head of the Dawoodi Bohra Muslim Community - to which I belong to, has built a grand hospital in remembrance of his revered father the 51st Dai of the Fatemi faith, Dr. Syedna Taher Saifuddin (RA). This remarkable landmark, gifted to humanity by Syedna, is built in Mumbai, India. A major contribution of the entire expense, which bulges to 150 crore till day, was done by the donations from the International community of the Bohras.
The Saifee hospital, to which I refer above, was inaugurated by the Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh on the 4th of July 2006. The occasion had also coincided with the 94th birthday of His Holiness Dr. Syedna Saheb (TUS). Ministers and Government official from US, UK, Germany, Switzerland, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Pakistan and many other places around the world, not to mentions from all corners of India had been invited by the revered Syedna for the opening of this grand shrine of cure and relief. Prominent people of the society had also attended.
Messages from world leaders such as President Bush, President Musharraf, were read out by their delegates via video conference offering greeting and congratulating the community on this achievement.
One would say: "What is unique about this hospital?" The reply to that is that the name "Saifee Hospital" is directly linked to the revered Syedna Taher Saifuddin who had dedicated his entire life in bringing peace and prosperity not only to his community "the Bohras" but to the nation as a whole. He is a well known and remembered personality of Islam. A person who will always be eyed as with respect and dignity throughout the Muslim world for integrating the world we live in with the standards of Islam. The true meaning of Deen and religion could thus be witnessed in the actions and instructions of his predecessor Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (TUS). To quote the Indian Prime Minister "This Hospital is at par with the highest standards of health care set forth by the most developed countries around the globe". A community hospital that would benefit the entire society. A 250 bed charitable organization with all diagnostic capabilities and research ability under one roof in India is indeed something that needs recognition. 44 beds of the Saifee Hospital are allocated for the needy free of cost. Age no bar, sex no bar, cast and creed no bar.
A million strong community of the Bohras rejoiced on the inauguration day of the Saifee Hospital as they watched the entire event live via sattelite transmission thoughout the world. The Saifee hospital has a competent staff of 700 people and is a top notch medical institution of its kind in India built by a single community and as stated by the Maharashtra Chief Minister Mr. Vilasrao, it yet another landmark in Mumbai.
A final word that the Saifee Hospital was first built by the visionary Dai Syedna Taher Saifuddin (RA) half a century ago and its renovation is indeed a matter of joy for the community as well as the Indian Nation that joined us.
Here are few news items collected from major player websites after couple of hours of the ceremony. It is evident that tomorrow's Newspapers will be covering this opening as major news-item, lets have an eye on initial coverages of these web-portals.
Mid Day Mumbai:
Success of private hospitals gives hope"Admitting that government and corporate hospitals have failed to fully address health care demands in the country, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today said charitable institutions have immense scope in serving the nation on par with the public sector health care bodies."
Similar Stories:
Zee News:
PM foresees proactive role by charitable bodies in health careThe Hindu:
Charitable hospitals can play major role in health care:
PM seeks private sector involvement in public healthcareMumbai Newsline:
South Mumbai to get new hospitalMore links added by DBNet Admin:India Infoline:
PM inaugurates Saifee HospitalMumbai Newsline:
Revamped Saifee is openedJang The News:
Syedna Burhanuddin's birth day celebratedThe Hindu:
"Charitable agencies can help"The Hindu:
Photo of Syedna with PM Dr Manmohan SinghCentral Chronicle:
Pictures of the DayPress Trust:
PM inaugurates Saifee Hospital
Ekhwan Web Solutions
Brotherhood Beyond Boundaries
Labels: Dawoodi Bohras
Linking Trade and Religion
The Dai-ul-Mutlaq (spirtual leader) of the Dawoodi Bohra Moslem Community, Dr Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Saheb, spent his 66th birthday yesterday in Hong Kong, surrounded by 200 followers including those from prominent business families.
Dr. Burhanuddin Saheb is the 52nd Dai-ul-Mutlaq to carry on the mission of Imams (successors to the Prophet Mohammed's son-in-law). He represents the ultimate spirtual authority for a million people in Bohra communities throughout the world.
Besides being a religous leader, he is also a scholar and philosopher whose writings are highly regarded in the Islamic world. He has been received by heads of state such as Queen Elizabeth and President Anwar Sadat.
While in Hongkong, he will meet the Chairman of the Urban council, Mr. O.Sales, leading businesmen and members of the diplomatic community. But primarily he is here to attend to his followers, most of whom are businessmen. (The Bohra community is basically a trading one ; the word Bohra actually means a trader.) Yesterday, seated on a white draped throne, he gave personal audiences advice on a variety of problems, religous, economic and maritial.
"My followers are primarily engaged in trade and commerce," he said, "and my advice to them will be still to further their economic well-being." "Such economic well-being and progress must always bear in mind the dicates of religon, because Islam has laid down very clear and explicit principles regarding the conduct of commerce and trade."
Running a business on Islamic principles brings not only material profits but also spiritual satisfaction, he added. Dr. Burhanuddin Saheb gives as an example the Koranic law which forbids usury. He says it is not impossible, though it may seem difficult, for one not to give or receive interest in the context of international banking.
"Already in India and Pakistan, we are establishing banking institutions which will function on Islamic principles, and I always exhort my followers who have the means, to help their brothers with loans free of interest".
He exhorts his followers by all means to avail themselves of international banking facilities, but not to give or receive any interest on their deposited capital. The bank's profits would then go to the public, so that the maximum can benefit from the wealth of the country. This is where the sociological principle of Islam lies, he says.
At the centre of Bohra belief for centuries has been the concept of self-reliance. As an aide of the Dai-ul-Mutlaq explains, this belief is so much held that for a Bohra to go into somebody else's service is actively discouraged and actually looked down upon. It is much better to start in hardship with one rupee, and be working for oneself than be the highest paid executive in the service of somebody else. The idea of self-reliance is born out of the fundamental belief that I am a created being.
"He who created me will provide for my needs. It is God who gives, not man," he explains.
One should therfore develop oneself, both materially and spiritually to rely on the providence of God. This is why the Bohras have founded so many community centres abroad, says Dr. Burhanuddin Saheb.
"The idea is not to create an international community, but that instead of staying at home, people should be anywhere in the world where oppurtunity exists for trade and commerce."
"This is based on the traditional philosophy of the mission that every follower must endeavour to be self-reliant."
Dr. Burhanuddin Saheb quotes some Arabic verses which his father, the 51st Dai-ul-Mutlaq wrote:
- "You secure the services of the world, and you do not become a servant of the world".
- "If you can so live you will live with honour and success"
courtesy of South China Morning Post, Hong Kong, 19th March 1979
Labels: Dawoodi Bohras, Deen