Introduction: Allah almighty states in Quran: “Allah brought you forth from your mother’s wombs knowing nothing, and gave you hearing and sight and hearts, might u do shukr”. Allah has bestowed men with Aql to acquire al Ilm. But he is not able to do that without a teacher or guide who helps him learning. […]
A child born from the womb of its mother is pure and fresh as a blank wrinkle free paper. Scripts in various forms are written on the paper, ranging from art and beautiful sketches to scars that are not worth remembering. These scars may also be in the form of sins and guilt that one […]
The subject of paranormal sciences and related topics have fascinated me since the very early days of my childhood and interest in such studies grew with age and maturity of thought. The subject is indeed vast and even sub-categorized further into hundreds of topics and categories within. Hundreds of theological books have been written and […]
An important aspect dealt in contemporary era – is how interactive and positive is the relationship between a Teacher and a Student. Many cognitive theorists argue that learning is a social event, and that both teachers and students will pay the price if teachers neglect to form emotionally warm, supportive relationships with and among their […]