Archive for April, 2015

Cleanliness is next to Godliness – #Yemen

April 30, 2015

Article in Yemeni newspaper: we are busy killing each other in the name of Islam while the Dawoodi Bohras clean our streets. Translation: It has been proven today that our Yemeni brothers and sisters who belong to the Dawoodi Bohra community are more clean and tidy people of Yemen. And they have proven for all […]

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Posted in Dawoodi Bohras, Deen, Earth, Syedna, The World No Comments »

The #Women in my #Life – Poem

April 30, 2015

Here I have, A lil’ something to say about the women in my life, on this day My every day starts and end with them by the way from breakfast to dinner, and in every other way i dont have to say it, mamma understand and she never have anything false to pretend A sister […]

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