Archive for May, 2011

111 Lessons Life Taught Us

May 25, 2011

Sometimes thinking about your life and sorting out what you have learned is just as important as tackling a new venture. Reflect on your past, dig deep within yourself and answer one simple question: What has life taught you? Think about all the things you would love to tell yourself if you could travel back […]

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Jamea Saifiyah in Nairobi

May 4, 2011

East Africa which has been known as the cradle of civilization according to many theories of the beginning of life has had the barakaat of Matam of Imam Husain AS several times during Ashara and as Huzurala TUS has stated in his waaz several times that the summary and the khulasa of the Ilm of […]

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Posted in Dawoodi Bohras, Jamea, Syedna No Comments »