Archive for September, 2005

If you are a parent

September 27, 2005

Put aside all your work and spend just few minutes…It will be an investment for your child’s future…. By Azim H. Premji, Chairman Wipro Ltd. If you are a parent, you have many aspirations for your child that may include him or her becoming a doctor, an engineer, scientist or another kind of successful professional. […]

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Gibat (Backbitting)

September 20, 2005

I’ve been wondering lately about why we human beings like to gossip so much. I’m referring here to that whole family of actions that go by such names as gossip, slander, backbite, whisper, talk behind someone’s back, criticize and so on. I realize each term is slightly different from the other, but I’m concerned here […]

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Are we dis-respecting the Holy Book

September 20, 2005

The Holy Quran is respected by billions of people around the globe. Ask a muslim and he will tell you that the place for the Quran al-Majid is the highest in his heart and he does have a very special place to keep it in his home, somewhere high from the ground.   It is […]

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Don’t say “YES” when you want to say “NO”

September 5, 2005

Tell me if this sounds familiar — someone asks you to do something that you really don’t want to do or you honestly don’t have time for. It might be a request or an unreasonable request from a friend, a neighbor, a close relative, a family member, your office colleague or your boss for just […]

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