Online Banking Safety Tips

Be Safe while you check your emails
Fraudsters are employing new methods to steal your personal / confidential information. Meticulously crafted emails are used to describe a fake event such as problems with a bank account, billing errors, or request to confirm a transaction. Such emails try to convince you to open an attachment or click on a link. The attachment once clicked may execute malicious programs to gain control of your computer and steal your personal / confidential information.

How to identify an fraudulent e-mail
1. Greeting – Most fraudulent emails will not address the customer by name.
2. Links that appear legitimate – The link may appear correct, but when your mouse cursor hovers over it the link points to a completely different web site.
3. Urgent Call to Act – Most fraudulent emails are crafted to convey a sense of urgency and encourage people to act immediately.

How to protect yourself
1. In case you do not recognize the sender, or the email appears suspicious, do not click on any links and open or save any attachments. It is best to delete such emails.
2. Install and regularly update your Antivirus and Internet Security Solution. These can protect against known viruses.
3. Enable automatic updates for your Operating system and other installed applications.

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