Sunday, February 04, 2007

Colombo Ashara

My instinct was telling me long that Colombo would be the one this time, though I neglected that feeling knowing that all logical aspects were against my thinking and one fine day father called me up to let me know that the venue of Ashara was Colombo. I could not belive it nor could anyone else. Soon we came to know that a lot of infrastructure and management had not been in proper place for the event. Waliullah and the Dai of Imam Husain knowing the best arrived in Sarendeeb announcing in the arrival address that it was necessary for him to come to Colombo. Soon the hurdles seem to pass away and when I reached the venue it seemed that everything was a mess. That night was Gurratus Shehr. Huzurala (TUS) was jalwanuma in the majlis till 9:35 PM, 2 hours and thousands of Mumineen blessed with qadambosi sharaf.

The next day I came to know that I was no longer involved in Reflections after 4 years. Whatever that was, I know, that the wrong doers will pay. On the other hand I went on to the Hawaij dept. to serve my days and it was a relaxing job after all had happened. The experience was enhancing for all my longings for offering khidmat of Imam Husain (AS) and Aqamaula (TUS). As usual Moula (tus) knows the best how I got the sharaf qadambosi on Ashura night. I stood there in front of Moula for a couple of minutes while refreshment was served and then did qadambosi as if I were in a ziyafat. Salaam, qadambosi and a sharaf to do khidmat of Huzurala's qadam mubarak. It was all but a tashreef of the little things I did not worthy of any counting.

After Ashara, we all, father, mother, Nuruddin, Jamila, Mustafa, Moiz, Munira and kaki went to a little sight seeing. Sigriya was our first stop and then a night's stay at Kandy, for whihc I have a dreadful experience. The next day we headed to Perediniya (Botanical Garden), Ramboda Falls, a tea estate and nights stay at Nuwara Eliya. Next day we returned to Colombo having the fun to rafting on the way, in the Kwai river.

I returned on Saturday the 3rd of Feb after a 18 day journey. A long life awaits as I return.

Barakaat and saadat is what will remain forever. May Allah bless Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin a long life. Ameen

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